She Explores
She Explores
Product image 1She Explores
Product image 2She Explores

She Explores

Rosalie Haizlett

Regular price ₦45,600.00

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only 3 left in stock

Watercolor wall art by artist Rosalie Haizlett features the image of a woman explorer with the inspirational phrase that gives it its title.  This print is perfect for any nature lover looking to decorate their cozy home with a cottagecore aesthetic.  Rosalie Haizlett focuses on illustrating the natural world with a goal of reminding viewers of the beautiful intricacy of the natural world. Stickers also available for this print!

Product Info & Size: This is a medium sized 11”x14” physical print.  

Shipping: Print comes in a protective sleeve with mat board backing and shipped flat in a firm cardboard sleeve.

Click here for our entire collection from Rosalie Haizlett.


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